The Foundation’s Strategic Partner, the Mayor’s Fund for London (MFL), delivers the Kitchen Social programme, where young people and their families can visit a local hub for a healthy meal, friendship, and fun activities. Made possible by DECATHLON, via funding from the DECATHLON Foundation, MFL’s Kitchen Social has recently piloted a new Activity Library scheme where young people can borrow sports equipment from the hubs and try new sports without cost-related barriers.
Ten MFL Kitchen Social Hubs participated in the pilot from across ten London boroughs, including some of the most deprived communities in the country. Five of these hubs are funded by the Berkeley Foundation, really demonstrating the power of partnerships. The hubs already promote activities and wellbeing, including youth work, a variety of sports, and family and community support.
Over the summer, Berkeley Group colleagues volunteered at the hubs, helping with the delivery of fun and engaging activities such as sports days and water fights, and also serving food and tidying up!
431 young people and 227 family members engaged with the Activity Library pilot during the 6-week summer holiday period. The equipment was borrowed 898 times, 71% for on-site use and 29% for use at home.
A survey of the participants highlights the success of the pilot, both for individuals but also for the hubs themselves.
90% of participants felt happier and more positive as a result of taking part in the Activity Library.
86% reported feeling healthier and more energetic.
85% said they were more active than at the start of the school holidays because of the Activity Library, with 78% reporting trying new sports.
The Activity Library encouraged young people to be more physically active not only during their holiday programmes but also outside of it, extending the benefits into their daily lives. There was also a positive ripple effect on families. One young person who took home boxing equipment now wants to join a boxing club, and has the support of their parents to do so. This highlights the pilot’s role in sparking deeper interest and future aspirations in sport.
The Activity Library also reinforced the MFL Kitchen Social focus, to “promote healthy lifestyles and provide innovative ways to support physical development”.
88% of hub leaders strongly agreed that an Activity Library should be available at all community organisations in London to help young people and families be more active.
“Before taking part in this project, we were quite limited as an organisation because we didn't have the resources to work with and were dependent on external providers. However, the Activity Library pilot has provided a lot of flexibility and given the young people a variety of choices which has improved their engagement with physical activity and sports. It has also enabled a lot of creativity, social cohesion and growing desire among young people to try things they have never tried before.”
Kitchen Social Hub Leader
“Our Activity Library partnership with DECATHLON has added significant value to our MFL Kitchen Social partnership with the Berkeley Foundation. It’s ensured that young Londoners facing the biggest barriers, who likely feel anxious about the school holidays, have been supported to be active and engaged, learn key life skills and experience joy this summer like all young Londoners should.”
John Jones, MFL Communities Project Manager
"We’re incredibly proud of the impact the Activity Libraries have had this summer. By providing young people with the opportunity to stay active and have fun, we’re helping them grow through the wonders of sport. The support offered to children—allowing them to build skills, stay engaged, and enjoy their holidays in a safe, welcoming environment—speaks to the continued dedication of the Mayor's Fund for London and its partners."
Delphine Bouchereau-Mazillier, Decathlon UK
You can read the full report about the Mayor’s Fund for London Activity Library scheme here.