Meet Our Trustees and Staff
We are run by a small team of staff and a board of trustees. They receive fantastic support from a group of volunteer Foundation Champions, who work for the Berkeley Group.
Piers Clanford
Rob Perrins
Wendy Pritchard
Alison Dowsett
The Ven. Elizabeth Adekunle
Sally Dickinson
Head of the Berkeley Foundation
(on maternity leave)
Clare Maddison
Interim Head of Foundation
Emma Lidefjard
Senior Communications Advisor
Cristina Otelea
Partnerships Manager
(on maternity leave)
Gemma Powell
Engagement Manager
Megan Bird
Grants and Admin Assistant
Bríd Barrett
Head of Partnerships
Michael Frean
Partnerships Manager
Alastair Bradshaw
Risk Executive
Simon Winson
Company Photographer
Sophie Harrison
Programme Manager, Street Elite
Eyvind Ryans
Senior Communications Manager, Berkeley Group
Josh Fenton
Senior Communications Manager, Berkeley Group
Beth Crowden
Communications Manager, Berkeley Group
Chris Gilbert
Head of IT
Sarah Fisher
Berkeley Eastern Counties
Brooke Johnson
Berkeley Ventures
Charlotte Gould
Berkeley South East London
Georgina Reilly
Berkeley St Edward
Mark Carter
Berkeley Homes East Thames
Katie Sampford
St George
Rob Macias
Berkeley South East London
Rebecca Mawer
Berkeley St Edward
Jags Sanghera
Berkeley St Joseph
Richard Ayers
Berkeley St Joseph
James Bird
St George PLC
James Nicolson
St George City
Lucy Masterson
St James White City
Ashley Ridgley
St James & St William
Sharon Nicholls
St James / St William London South
Jess Price
Berkeley Group IT
Stuart Tomkins
Berkeley Group IT