Honeypot Children's Charity
Since 1996 the Honeypot Children's Charity has been working to enhance the lives of young carers and vulnerable children.
Since 1996, the Honeypot Children's Charity has been working to enhance the lives of young carers and vulnerable children.
They do this by providing residential respite breaks at one of their Honeypot Houses, and also provide on-going outreach support throughout a child's formative years. Honeypot gives young carers a break from demanding and stressful responsibilities at home and provides a safe, nurturing environment where children at risk can develop their full potential.
St George launched their partnership with Honeypot 2017, and the relationship has gone from strength to strength.
In addition to fundraising, St George has also supported Honeypot with practical help, most recently getting a team of sub-contractors to resurface the basketball court at Honeypot. The new court has already seen lots of playtime and new friendships form.
A team of young carers from Honeypot also came along to a trip St George organised to Woodberry Wetlands in London. They had a brilliant day where they got to investigate the nature reserve, and forget about their caring responsibilities for a while.