St Giles
Berkeley Homes South East London started working with St Giles in September 2022 to support their flagship services helping children and young people involved in or at risk of child criminal exploitation.
St Giles help young people who are criminally exploited through gangs, serious violence and offending stay safe and make positive choices. The partnership with Berkeley SEL will support St Giles to provide these services in Newham and Southwark through offering both preventative work in schools and direct interventions for young people already involved or at risk of becoming so.
In 2021/22, St Giles rescued 267 children and young people from county lines gangs and reached 105,342 people through its schools-based prevention work.
St Giles’s approach uses specially trained professionals who all have first-hand experience of the issues facing the young people they support. They use a mix of their professional skills and first-hand experiences to equip young people with the ability to think critically, make informed choices and build resilience to the risks of grooming and exploitation. Caseworkers offer intensive practical and emotional support to those already involved or on the cusp of becoming so.
Berkeley Homes South East London’s transformative partnership with St Giles will last for three years, with the Berkeley team taking part in fundraising, events, volunteering and more to help protect thousands of young people’s futures in Newham and Southwark.